Content Editor ‭[1]‬

​The ​Ministry

 Content Editor ‭[2]‬


A well connected, knowledge-based and high income society, through a culture of innovation and the adoption of technology. 



To provide a high speed communication infrastructure, develop a digital economy and strengthen innovation in industry by improving delivery of service as well as the dissemination of information through the optimal use of emerging technologies.​


  • Formulate appropriate policies and provide the necessary legal framework for the development of ICT and its optimal use across all sectors.
  • Facilitate, through the implementation of an E-Government programme, the provision of Government services electronically anytime anywhere for the greater convenience of the public.
  • Promote and facilitate the development of the ICT sector.
  • Ensure that the ICT culture permeates all levels of the society to bridge the digital divide to the extent possible.
  • Promote the development of ICT enabled services including e-business.
  • Encourage the adoption of new technologies and best practices in the ICT.
  • Promote capacity building in ICT. ​
